
Showing posts from February, 2021

My High School Years - Everything Happens (1/24/20)

This is SEASON 2 EPISODE 13. Summary: Everything happened this week. Going bowling, getting stuck in traffic, going to Walmart, seeing (Dr.) Dolittle, everything happened. Seen this episode and all the others? Stay tuned for S2 E14, coming soon! MY HIGH SCHOOL YEARS: COMING SOON IN 1080P ON DUBOX!

My High School Years - A Lot Happens (1/17/20)

This is SEASON 2 EPISODE 12. Summary: A lot happened. That's all I can say. Except for the fact that I went to Pier 1 Imports in Hadley, MA for their store closing sale, went to Target at the Hampshire Mall in Hadley, MA, reported on the latest news, and took pictures, mainly sunset ones. My High School Years: 1080P VERSION WILL NOW BE ON DUBOX INSTEAD OF GOOGLE PHOTOS. COMING SOON! (By the end of February 2021)

I've been very busy. But more is coming soon!

Sorry about the infrequent updates. I have been in a lot lately, like me checking the vaccine rollout every day (currently, 42M, or about 12.7%, are vaccinated in the US, and 131M, or 1.68%, of the world is vaccinated) and me doing other things, like playing games and learning Spanish on Duolingo. (going great so far, but is quite lengthy to master one skill) But I promise you, as this crisis (begins) to come to a close, by the end of it, I will be back with you and new episodes of MHSY (My High School Years) ARE coming this year! (Most likely before summer!) I will try to post more, but it is quite difficult for all that is going on right now, like worrying about COVID-19 and the vaccine rollout, school, scheduling future outings (Berkshire East in Charlemont, MA is going to be one, during February vacation in 2021), the fact of the sun starting to come out over the dark skies of COVID-19, as 106.6 million have gotten COVID and nearly 500,000 in the US and at least 2,300,000 worldwide


Tonight's Super Bowl is a game changer, literally. First of all, only 25,000 fans are allowed to be at the game, with 7,500 being health care workers. (This may sound like a lot, especially during COVID, but this is by far the emptiest Super Bowl game ever; the previous record of 61,962, WAY MORE than 2021, was set at the first Super Bowl in 1967) There will also be 30,000 cut-outs of fans (sports looking like Wii Sports, ONCE AGAIN, due to COVID) as well, totalling out at 55,000, still less than the attendance of Super Bowl I of 61,962. I am predicting that the Buccaneers will win (Tom Brady), with a final score of 27 to 22, my lucky numbers. ALSO, FOR ANYONE PLANNING AN EVENT OR WATCH PARTY TONIGHT, PLEASE EITHER ADHERE TO COVID-19 GUIDELINES WITH YOUR EVENT, ONLY HOLD A WATCH PARTY WITH YOUR IMMEDIATE FRIENDS, AND IF POSSIBLE, I (AND THE CDC) HIGHLY SUGGEST THAT YOU HOLD A ZOOM/VIRTUAL WATCH PARTY BY SHARING YOUR SCREEN WITH THE NFL GAME ON YOUR BROWSER AND INVITING EVERYONE YOU

Groundhog Day: He saw his shadow. 6 MORE WEEKS OF WINTER! πŸ₯Ά❄🌨

Punxsutawney, the groundhog, saw his shadow, which means that we will get 6 more weeks of winter! From the look of it outside with Winter Storm Orlena wreaking havoc across the US, I am not surprised. Here was the groundhog's official statement: "Here Ye, Here Ye, Here ye Now this second day of February, two thousand and twenty-one, the one hundred and thirty fifth annual trek of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club...  Punxsutawney Phil, the Seer of Seers, the Prognosticator of all Prognosticators, was awakened from his borrow at 7:25 am by his handler and friend, on this quite morning where few can attend.  In Groundhogese, Phil directed the President and the Inner Circle to his prediction scroll that reads.  It is a beautiful morning I see,  With all my fans viewing virtually.  With my faithful followers being safe and secure,  Our tradition of Groundhog Day must endure.  We all have passed through the darkness of night,  But now see hope of morning's bright light.  When I t

GameStop: Power To The Investors (STOCK GOING CRAZY!) πŸ€―πŸ˜±πŸ€‘ AMC SAVED AS WELL!

I mean, WHAT?! Up until about a week ago, GameStop (GME) had a stock price of about $4-5 per share. Investors were predicting the company would fail, but due to Reddit and bad gambling on the investors side (who unfortunately lost a lot of money), GameStop's stock SURGED to $450 PER SHARE, the highest it has ever been BY FAR. Now, the stock is levitating, going up and down, with differences of $-100 to $100 DAILY, currently at $108/share as of 2/2/2021 at 12:02PM. My teacher even made a reference to this today in class, for which I am posting this on lunch break! Also, AMC (the movie theater chain) also has been saved from bankruptcy due to this madness; about 1 week ago, stock for AMC was about $3/share, but then surged to about $20/share on January 27, with the company later declaring that bankruptcy was "completely out of the picture". So I guess this was a good thing for both companies? Search "AMC stock" and/or "gme stock" on Google and you will s