I've been very busy. But more is coming soon!

Sorry about the infrequent updates. I have been in a lot lately, like me checking the vaccine rollout every day (currently, 42M, or about 12.7%, are vaccinated in the US, and 131M, or 1.68%, of the world is vaccinated) and me doing other things, like playing games and learning Spanish on Duolingo. (going great so far, but is quite lengthy to master one skill)

But I promise you, as this crisis (begins) to come to a close, by the end of it, I will be back with you and new episodes of MHSY (My High School Years) ARE coming this year! (Most likely before summer!)

I will try to post more, but it is quite difficult for all that is going on right now, like worrying about COVID-19 and the vaccine rollout, school, scheduling future outings (Berkshire East in Charlemont, MA is going to be one, during February vacation in 2021), the fact of the sun starting to come out over the dark skies of COVID-19, as 106.6 million have gotten COVID and nearly 500,000 in the US and at least 2,300,000 worldwide have died of this horrific illness but with the vaccine rolling out, having gotten to 73 countries and over 131 million worldwide, according to Bloomberg and Worldometers. (Luckily, many of the 106.6 million that have gotten COVID have been deemed recovered, 78.3 million to be exact, around 75%!) Also, by going out with people is beginning again, as Julie and I, beginning February 5, this past Friday, we are able to see each other in person every week, which hasn't happened in months, and I can also sit with her in her car in the front seat as she has gotten her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and will be fully vaccinated on February 26, 2021; I haven't sat in the front seat of her car since March 13, 2020, when this all started. I remember it vividly; it was the early afternoon, it was downpouring, we went into 110 Grill in the mall, they cleaned our menu at the restaurant, I went into Target without a mask for the last time up to this point to get art supplies, it was a crazy day... Also, NONE OF IT I GOT ON FOOTAGE, because Julie told me to leave my tablet in the car. (If only she would've let me bring it in; little did she know that 3/13/20 would be a VERY SPECIAL DAY, and that I wouldn't see her in person for about a month, until mid-April. #RelaxTheRestrictions #COVIDNostalgia) Zoom will no longer be a main form of contact, but will be a backup, just in case she gets sick or has side effects from the vaccine.

As COVID comes to a close, more and more posts will be made.

Also, little things like being able to sit with Julie in the front seat and see her every week again with weekly outings resuming in March when she is fully vaccinated, the releasing of the curfew, and seeing both doors open in the supermarket just makes me super happy as I am starting to see normality again, although not quite yet; face shields, plexiglass, and face masks are all still required...

Thank you for being here at this time, and for reading this post.

LET'S HOPE FOR A #Summer2021Normality!

Also, pictures and videos from January 2021-now, both on Dubox and here, will be released within the next couple weeks! (Unlike COVID, which we THOUGHT would last 2 weeks, but lasted over a year up to this point)

Updated 2/7/21.


  1. You have been very busy!!! I love the fact that you can appreciate the smaller rewards in life!!!


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