Introducing Memories+

Hi, I'm back. You probably haven't seen me in awhile! Today, I am introducing a new feature to this blog called Memories+, which will allow for publication of past memories under THAT time to this blog, anywhere between April 5, 2018 and now (I could go before April 5, 2018, but that was the day this blog was started, so there is no reason to) with the ACTUAL publication date at the bottom. Example:

Example post
9/17/2019 5:00:00 PM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

PT: 3/31/2022 3:41 PM

This will avoid confusion on putting years-old memories on the blog, but that is the only way to keep memories up, besides the cloud, which will continue to have uploads.

Hope you enjoy this new addition to the blog! Many things you HAVEN'T seen are coming soon to this blog, most of it from the past!

My High School Years,

That's it. Bye!


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