This is being posted by my old account, as to prevent loss of my old blogs.

Hi, everybody! I'm posting this from the old account that I used with Blogger starting around 2016/17. Beginning today, Dec 1, 2023, Google is going to start deleting inactive users, INCLUDING their Blogspot blogs. Since the last post HERE was 2 weeks ago, that will NOT be an issue. However, MANY of my blogs on this account have not been posted to since the 2010s, which is a problem!

I will NOT post a new post to those sites, as to keep them "frozen in time", but considering this, I have logged in to this old Gmail TWICE today, so now I should be good for 2 years (so December 1, 2025) so I should not have to worry. I will likely close out 2023 by doing Google Takeout on this account for EVERYTHING (Blogger, Google Photos, etc.) and uploading them all to Unlim (an Android app/website in development that uses the free AND unlimited storage from Telegram that has a combined Google Drive and Google Photos interface) so I can keep them. There will likely be MANY DUPLICATES, but it will be BETTER that way! I will also archive ALL sites and ALL information to the Wayback Machine, so that if the sites DO get shut down, they will be archived to be seen permanently. I lost my pre-2018 blogs due to my old school blocking Blogger (they didn't just block Blogger, but they SHUT ALL OF MY SHIT DOWN! 😫😫😫😭😭😭), and I DON'T want my currently oldest blogs (circa 2017-19) to suffer the same fate!

Here's my game plan, although it may not be in order:

Do Google Takeout on this old account and upload ALL files to Unlim (including EVERYTHING from Google) - This will likely take a few days to a week

Archive ALL of my now dormant blogs on this account and ALL of their pages to the Wayback Machine so they can remain accessible forever - probably a few days' work, I could do it in 1 day though

Download ALL of my Google Photos uploads to my phone from my CURRENT account and SLOWLY upload them to Unlim - This will be the longest, it will likely take a month if not longer (Currently, my Unlim is at 1.5TB in size, if I do all these things, it will likely surpass 2TB! I'm guessing probably 2.3TB or something like that)

Considering I have 2 YEARS, I could likely "take it slow", HOWEVER, considering that the blogs themselves have had no uploads since the late 2010s, I'm not sure how long they would stay up before Google would shut them down as they have been dormant for more than 2 years, likely 4-6 years, WELL PAST the deadline! With this, MANY old blogs could reach their EXPIRATION DATE, and MANY Blogger sites will likely go down with the sinking ship. Because I DID login to this old account AND view an email AND write this post, I think I'm safe until December 1, 2025. However, Google has stated that they will give MONTHS long notice via email before they get deleted - so I have quite awhile!

Anyways, long post just to keep this site going - thanks for over 5 years! Happy December, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year 2024!


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