It has been ONE MONTH without TOYS R US!
Can't you believe it? Toys R Us has been gone for ONE MONTH! It has been a popular topic over the past month, and many videos have been made about the sad subject. Here are 3 videos from this popular and sad subject: Unfortunately, many kids aren't playing with toys anymore, and if they were to, places like Amazon and Walmart have it at a better price anyways.
Most kids are likely playing Fortnite, a smash hit of 2018. Fortnite is about where you try to defend yourself and build while other people are shooting at you. There is no blood or gore, however. The game has been released on iOS, and will soon come to Android, so you'll be able to play wherever.
This one is about exploring the outside of an old Toys R Us.
Despite the name, this video talks about the history of Toys R Us.
This video is very sad; it shows them calling the local Toys R Us, it shows barren shelves and huge discounts, while the phone audio and some sad music plays in the background.
Most kids are likely playing Fortnite, a smash hit of 2018. Fortnite is about where you try to defend yourself and build while other people are shooting at you. There is no blood or gore, however. The game has been released on iOS, and will soon come to Android, so you'll be able to play wherever.
We are all so sad about Toys R Us, but it’s so great you continue to give us such a great wealth of information and keep us updated!!!