
Showing posts from September, 2018


Note: THIS IS THE 90TH POST! This blog has hit a high note. Just 3 days ago, I gained an 8th follower, the first in a while. And now, that number is 9! So I am just one follower to ten! This blog is amazing! On Apr 6, 2018, I started this blog, in favor of my show, which was to air the 27th, and which did air the 27th. On July 9, 2018, My High School Years went online for the first time after a month of trouble. Here was the trouble: It came to be June 1, 2018. I wanted to put my show online, but I couldn't do it on YouTube; they wouldn't let me. But I couldn't publish it here, because the episodes were too big in file size. But then came relief: I found an app that I could compress the show with, and it was successful! But the app went downhill fast. First of all, the app had annoying ads. But they weren't just annoying, they were ANNOYING. The ads weren't just on the app itself; they were ALL OVER MY PHONE: the app itself, Chrome, they were just EVERYWHERE! And

NOW WELCOMING TO THE WORLD: iPhone XS, XS Max, and Apple Watch Series 4

Well, you heard about this 9 days ago. But now, the iPhone XS, XS Max, and Apple Watch Series 4 are all out, and ready for purchase! If you're wondering, iPhone XR will be out in late October. They just came out today, they're hot off the press! But they are expensive, the XS is $999, the XS Max is $1099, and the future XR will be $749. The cheapest iPhone by Apple that is still sold is the iPhone 7, and it costs $449.

My High School Years: Episode 3 (9/21/18)

This is SEASON 1 EPISODE 3. Summary: I went to IKEA, which was fun! I forgot to add a correction; the travel time was 1 1/2 hours, not 2. I also went to The Big E, which was fun! I also went to the YMCA, Kisara, the mall, and recorded the pouring rain that happened Tuesday morning. It was leftover from Hurricane Florence. HUGE SALUTE TO PEOPLE AFFECTED BY HURRICANE FLORENCE. Seen this episode? Check out  S1 E4 ! Updated 2/18/19.


Today is September 20, 2018. You probably heard that iPhone 6S, iPhone X, and iPhone SE were all discontinued on September 12, 2018. But don't worry. You can still buy an iPhone 6S, X, or SE from your local carrier. Apple is just not selling it on their website. But tomorrow marks the release of the iPhone XS, XS Max, and Apple Watch Series 4, so after today, these phones might not be available from your local carrier. In fact, I have already seen ads for the iPhone XS from carriers like Sprint. And you're probably questioning: What about iPhone XR? That is not due to release until October 26th. iPhone 6S link: If you want one, hurry up! As I told you, this SEPTEMBER 20TH OF 2018 may be THE LAST DAY you can buy an iPhone 6S! iPhone X link: If you want


Up until tonight, I had seven followers. But tonight, that number increased to eight! HUGE THANKS to my aunt, Maureen Jones, whom is my 8th follower! I am calling my 8 followers THE CRAZY EIGHT. Here is the list of THE CRAZY EIGHT: Maureen Jones (my aunt) Yuderka Beez Mary Gomez (MY AWESOME MOM) ❤❤❤ PJ (my one-on-one at school) Taylor Ross (one of the staff at school) Aimee Paquette (school nurse) Julie Levesque (my mentor and a friend) George Plouffe (my mentor and a friend)

My High School Years: Episode II (9/14/18)

This is SEASON 1 EPISODE 2. Summary: I went to a tag sale and found a 2000s relic: A 1GB MEMORY CARD! I also went with Dad to Holyoke Mall to eat, and I also went to Holyoke Mall to get Melanie's new phone! Believe it or not, this was the last week that they sold the iPhone X; see my post about that  here . I also went to River Valley Market, and that was fun. I went to the YMCA to pick up Melanie. I went to the dentist, which was a quick 10 minutes and EASY. I also went to Kisara. Seen this episode? Check out  S1 E3 ! Updated 2/18/19.

September 14, 2018- AN AMAZING DAY!

Today was an absolute rockstar day for me. I went to school, and had an amazing time! I played kickball for most of the game. Why not all? Because my one-on-one said I couldn't play the rest because I have medical conditions. And our team won that game of kickball by a lot! I didn't get the exact score, but one of my teammates said our team won by "at least 9 points!" So I won BIG TIME. I got home, then we went to the dentist. I was in and out in 10 minutes! And it was EASY! Then I came home to see Julie. And guess what? My AWESOME summer report card came in! Here were the results: English: A Math: A Science: A Social Studies: B+ Exploratory (Art, Health, Transition, Social Skills): Pass Electives (Engineering, Art): Pass WHAT AN AWESOME REPORT CARD!!!


The day before the release, I am announcing the titlecard for Friday's episode of My High School Years.


Today is September 12, 2018. It's that day for Apple lovers! It is the day of the announcement of new Apple products! Here are the products that sadly, Apple let go of: Apple Watch Series 1 (2016) Not to be confused with the VERY first Apple Watch (2015). This product lived a good 2 years. iPhone X (2017) See my post about it  here . This was very popular, but sadly, Apple pulled the plug on this device. It lasted just TEN MONTHS, not even A YEAR! Also discontinued: iPhone SE (2016) iPhone 6S (2015) And here are the new devices: iPhone XS (To be released Sep 21) iPhone XR (To be released Oct 26) Apple Watch Series 4 (To be released Sep 21)

Goodbye, iPhone X...

The day has come. The nearly full-screen glass iPhone X has been discontinued today, alongside release of the iPhone XS and XR. So, I show you a clip from November 2017, of me "playing" with the now-gone iPhone X, right after it was released. Nov 3, 2017- Sep 12, 2018: The life of the iPhone X. Surprisingly, iPhone 7 and 8 are still sold! I also sound A LOT younger!

My High School Years: Welcome to High School (9/7/18)

This is SEASON 1 EPISODE 1. Season 1 (The Freshman Year) is here! I had my first day of high school! I also went to the YMCA, ate at Kisara, went to PINZ with Julie, ate at Arizona Pizza, and went to Holyoke Mall so Melanie could get a new phone. I also documented the closing of Sears there as liquidation sales have started, although not very far. (10-40% off the whole store) THIS IS ALSO THE 80TH POST ON THIS BLOG/VLOG! Seen this episode? Check out  S1 E2 ! Updated 2/18/19.


Today marks just 1 DAY until 9th grade! Season 1 (The Freshman Year) is coming tomorrow, and its gonna be packed!


Today was my second day of high school, and it went better, and involved no naps! The only problem, was I tried signing up for the Green Team, but because it involves outside work, and because I have diabetes, my one-on-one said I couldn't, so I chose Podcasts and Art. After school, I was reading articles on the local newspaper website that involved retail closings, and guess what? Julie was right in front of me! So we went to the mall! But, we forgot my little brother, so we had to go back and get him. But Mom and my little brother did their own thing, while Julie and I went bowling at the bowling/arcade place! It is really high tech; the chairs you normally sit at, waiting your turn to go, while in there, they have COUCHES. Yes, COUCHES! And the machine, can count your speed, down to a precision of 0.01 mph! The place recently opened last year! We later ate at the pizza restaurant, and I got GF sausage pizza! I tried to have a soda, but realized that the pizza had almost 150 GRAM


Yesterday was my very first day of high school! It did not go as planned, for I took a nap. I don't want to take naps anymore! All the footage is coming on the Season 1 (The Freshman Year) premiere of My High School Years, coming Sep 7! But afterwards, I went to see my mom, then I went to Special Olympics to get me signed up! I got the calendar as well. But first I went to Sears to get some shoes, I am wearing them right now! Now, Sears is failing. First of all, the local Sears at the mall, is going to close! And the Sears at the mall that's about 10-15 miles from the one we went to had closed this Labor Day Weekend. It's hard to believe this, but that mall is now operating with NO ANCHORS! That STINKS for the mall. Now after the mall and Special Olympics, I went to Kisara, and got miso soup and a cup of rice! It was a great day!


Today marks 2 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE! (Sorry for no "parts of high school" on 4 days and 3 days left in the countdown; I couldn't think of anything!)

Tuesday marked 3 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE!

Tuesday, Sep 4, marked 3 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE! (It was actually, the first day of school; the countdown was intended for the first day of school, but I got messed up, and made the countdown until Season 1 (The Freshman Year) of My High School Years. So really, Tuesday was 3 days to THE SEASON 1 PREMIERE, NOT THE FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL...

Monday marked 4 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE!

Monday, Sep 3, marked 4 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE!

My High School Years: Back To The Water (9/4/18)

This is SEASON 0 EPISODE 15. The 15th and FINAL episode of the preseason! It was Labor Day Weekend, so we went to the beach! I also showed off all my stuff for back to school the night before the first day of high school! If you saw this episode, great! You watched all the episodes of the preseason! But it's not over! Click  here  to start watching Season 1 (The Freshman Year). Updated 2/17/19.

My city's sport team is HAVING A RAFFLE!

Today, I was told by someone that my city's sport team IS HAVING A RAFFLE in October! You can see that the prizes range from $20 to $100, and a grand finale prize of $200 on Halloween!
Something tells me it's September...


I have been waiting so long for this. I cannot believe that it is actually September! September means for me: The beginning of high school and Special Olympics, the beginning of me being athletic since 2015! We went to the beach, and it definitely did NOT feel or look like September!(Footage coming on the 15th and final episode of the preseason of My High School Years, coming Sep 4)


Happy Labor Day! (The unofficial ending of summer) The day before the release, I am announcing a promotional titlecard for Tuesday's episode; the 15th and final episode of the preseason of My High School Years.

Sunday marked 5 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE!

Sunday, Sep 2 marked 5 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE!

Saturday marked 6 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE!

Saturday, Sep 1 marked 6 DAYS TO 9TH GRADE!