Yesterday was my very first day of high school! It did not go as planned, for I took a nap. I don't want to take naps anymore! All the footage is coming on the Season 1 (The Freshman Year) premiere of My High School Years, coming Sep 7! But afterwards, I went to see my mom, then I went to Special Olympics to get me signed up! I got the calendar as well. But first I went to Sears to get some shoes, I am wearing them right now! Now, Sears is failing. First of all, the local Sears at the mall, is going to close! And the Sears at the mall that's about 10-15 miles from the one we went to had closed this Labor Day Weekend. It's hard to believe this, but that mall is now operating with NO ANCHORS! That STINKS for the mall. Now after the mall and Special Olympics, I went to Kisara, and got miso soup and a cup of rice! It was a great day!


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