
THIS IS NOT RIGHT! What's not right? The fact that one of my homeroom students, whom IS IN 9TH GRADE, could not participate in a high school activity. Let me explain. So the school is having a half day. The middle school is making Christmas ornaments, yet the high school is doing all sorts of fun stuff, like (video) Games and Art. This student doesn't want to do Christmas ornaments, and asks "What is the high school doing?" But then the staff reply with "You're not in high school." Let me repeat. HE'S IN GRADE 9. That IS (Well is supposed to be) HIGH SCHOOL. I know you're probably thinking that THIS IS MESSED UP. IT IS. But I must continue. He then says "Pwhat?! I'M IN HIGH SCHOOL!" And then there's a long gap of other stuff they said. Until they say "It's not your grade or age that matters. It's the floor of the building you're on. THAT IS SO MESSED UP. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR GRADE AND AGE THAT MATTERS. IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GRADES, THEN WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE GRADES??? And then to finally END the conversation, he says "What if I stop going here?" YES! THAT WOULD BE MY RESPONSE AS WELL.



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