
Showing posts from April, 2018

1 day to the show!

It is now 1 day to the show! Yes, the show is tomorrow!  What I did today: I went to school and had a half good day. The morning was hard, it was Math MCAS, so I had a hard time, then I took a walk outside and finished it. How will it be in high school? Find out in September! For now, find out finishing middle school, it has been a wild ride.

2 days to the show!

It is now 2 days to the show! What I did today: I went to school, then hung out with Julie. We played Candy Crush, we both did. Except, I have Candy Blast Mania, and Julie has Candy Crush Saga. I am at Level 165 on Candy Blast Mania, and Julie is at Level 322 on Candy Crush Saga. Then we watched half of Nailed It! and then I went with Mom to Youth Truth 2018 at the high school. It was a heartwrenching play, about how these kids were telling their social workers about foster care, and lasted about 45 minutes. After, I found out that the high school has a newsletter and a sports team called the Knights. How, I wish I could go there.

3 days to the show!

It is now 3 days to the show! What I did today: I went to school, and we had PE outside, and did the cone drill, I got 37 seconds. So I had a good day.

4 days to the show!

It is now 4 days to the show! What I did today: I went to school, then I went home. George never came home, so when Mom was home, I called George, and I forgot about Youth Truth 2018, which is Wednesday. So, it was a good day.

5 days to the show!

It is now 5 days to the show! What I did today: I was with my dad, had some fun, and Mom didn't come back until 9pm. So I had a good day.

6 days to the show!

It is now 6 days to the show! What I did today: I went to my dad's and had fun. It was a good day.

7 days to the show!

It is now 7 days to the show! I went to Mystic Aquarium! @

8 days to the show!

It is now 8 days to the show! What I did today: I watched TV, and knew that Mystic was coming tomorrow...

9 days to the show!

It is now 9 days to the show! What I did today: I took a field trip to the planetarium! It was awesome! Mom told me that she took me when I was 9, and she told me that I cried, because I didn't like the darkness. It was small, but a very good planetarium. So I had a good day today.

10 days to the show!

It is now 10 days to the show! What I did today: I watched TV, but we had pizza night! I had sausage pizza and a cup of Sprite. But for some reason, after eating the pizza, I was unusually tired, and fell asleep about 8:15. I tried to watch A Series Of Unfortunate Events, but I was too tired to do so. It was a great day.

11 days to the show!

It is now 11 days to the show! What I did today: Not much, to the fact that it was snowing AGAIN, even though it was the SIXTEENTH of April. So, I watched TV, and that was it. April Forecast: April 1-10: Snow, snow, you can stay. April 11-30: GO AWAY SNOW!

12 days to the show!

It is now 12 days to the show! What I did today: Not much, I played Candy Blast Mania, and watched YouTube. It was a relaxing day.

13 days to the show!

It is now 13 days to the show! What I did today: It was a beautiful day, so my dad and I went out to West Springfield to drive. We checked to see if my uncle was home. He wasn't, as usual. So we drove to Westfield, and then went home. It was a nice, relaxing day.

14 days to the show!

It is now 14 days to the show! What I did today: I have been in foster care now for 6 years straight. Incredible. The Timeline of my life in foster care: 4/13/2012: Bad day at school, first day in custody 4/16/2012: Very Bad News, the Brattleboro Retreat calls and says they want me. Mid-May 2012: I see Mary for the first time, at the time, I was in Starr Program(I wanted to get OUT of there), she like saved my life Second half of 2012: Beautiful time. First few months with Mary, we take two summer trips. One was to Mystic Aquarium, and the other was to a lodge in New Hampshire. 12/12/2012: Back to my mom, also my 9th birthday. 1/29/2013: Mom is sick, so I go back into foster care. 2013: A crazy year, Yoely, and Mary. Yoely lives in Springfield, and I was with her for a week or so. I remember one time with her that her son was acting up, and he had to ho to bed at 9pm. But I did so well that Yoely let me stay up until 10pm and watch HGTV with her. 12/12/2013: My 10th

15 days to the show!

It is now 15 days to the show! What I did today: I went to school, in health, we did the cone drill. I did not beat my record of 19.55 seconds, but that's okay, because nobody in my class beat their record, here are the records I can remember for my class: 1st: Danny- 19.38 seconds 2nd: Richard- 19.55 seconds 3rd: Matthew- 19.89 seconds 4th: Maitreya- 21.03 seconds Fun fact: The first cone drill I did, my time was approximately 32 seconds, now I have 19! Big improvement. Then, I went to play Yahtzee with José, but we only got in like 3 rolls, because I had to go to OT. I didn't think I was, she told me on Monday that I had no OT today because she had an appointment. But it was a misunderstanding, she thought the appointment was at 1:45 pm, it turns out it happened at 8:45 am, and I have OT at 1pm on Thursdays. After school, I went to the center with George, and we were there the whole time, we researched Khan Academy, checked out the new K-8 school plan(at  building

16 days to the show!

It is now 16 days to the show! What I did today: I went to school, and had another great day! I went to Strategy Games, and played Yahtzee, while the other kids were playing Mario Tennis. I also saw Julie and did some Kahoot!, it was fun. So I had a great day. I tricked Julie on Kahoot!, first I put on Calculus, and then did Kindergarten Math.

17 days to the show!

It is now 17 days to the show! What I did today: I went to school, and had another great day! I went to all the classes, I went to health, and they did Kahoot!. I won, and I congratulated everyone else. Then we were supposed to go to Treehouse for an event at 6pm that I go to every time. But it didn't happen. They will probably do it next week. The event is every Tuesday night, where the students from Smith College come over and help people with their homework. It just so happens that I don't get homework at my school; nobody does. Later on, they play Wii, they do games, and it is a great night. But, it didn't happen this week. But it was a great day, especially at school.

18 days to the show!

It is now 18 days to the show! What I did today: I went to school and had a great day. We watched the beginning of a movie called Akeelah and the Bee. It's about this girl named Akeelah who lives in a downhill part of LA, and goes to a not so fancy middle school. She prepares for the National Spelling Bee, and wins the school spelling bee. Then, she moves on to the district bee against 100+ students. She is very lucky, she has to be in the top 10 to move on; she places 11th getting a word wrong. This is not the end of it. However, the boy who placed 10th, his mother gives him a letter so he could know the word. Akeelah's mother watches outside the auditorium, and sees it happen. So she runs in and says that the boy cheated, so he is disqualified. Then the judges give Akeelah one more word to spell. She gets it correct, so she places in 10th and moves on. Then I went home, and saw George, we watched more of the movie. After that, I went to therapy, the last one I had at the o

19 days to the show!

It is now 19 days to the show! What I did today: I went with my dad to see the Harley Davidson motorcycles and he wanted to get some apparel but it cost too much. Even some driving gloves were $50 to $65. Then I went home. (pictures coming soon)

20 days to the show!

It is now 20 days to the show! What I did today: I went to my father's house today, and watched TV. I also played on my phone. Today was a relaxing day.

21 days to the show!

It is now 21 days to the show! What I did today: I saw my social worker and had a supervised visit with my mom at the mall. It was nice, we got Shoyu Japan and hung out at Target. It was nice. Also, I finished my 8th Grade ELA MCAS! I was lucky on my phone with the games; I chose the million dollar case on Deal or No Deal (obvious, it was number 14), and played 3 games of Yahtzee, I won every single one of them.

22 days to the show!

Welcome to the countdown to my show! There are 22 days until the preseason premiere of My High School Years! What I did today: I hung out with George, and took the first half of my 8th grade ELA MCAS. It was a hard working day for me. I beat George in Yahtzee. I didn't play it physically, I got the app! Download the app here: I beat him pretty much every single time, once I got 483 points against George; he only got like 200 points.