
Showing posts from January, 2019


I have announced the titlecard for Friday's episode, The Extreme Cold. It will be called that because there will be lots of winter footage of the snow and cold on this episode. Today, Jan 31, 2019, is like the coldest day of my entire teenage life. I have been a teenager since late 2016. Today is going to be like 15°F at the highest, which is cold! That's not all, with the wind chills counted, it will be in the NEGATIVES all day! And not 1 below, 2 below, 3 below, we're talking 25-30 BELOW! I am absolutely shocked that kids are actually going to school today. My opinion, but I don't think kids should have to go to school at ALL in this type of weather. This is the second day in a row that they've sent out (shockingly!) a two hour delay. Hmm, I wonder, do two hour delays count towards snow days and lost vacations? I don't think so, but you never know. They have sent out THREE two-hour delays in the past TWO WEEKS! Anyways, I don't HAVE school today for the s

A very weird goodbye from the Wii Shop Channel...

That's it. After 12 years of serving gamers all around the world, the Wii Shop Channel has been officially closed. It was a great channel. But it had a kind of weird goodbye. There wasn't an error message or anything like that, it just reverted to its original 2006 design without the ability to buy games. You can go in right now, you just can't buy games on it. It's weird; it's kind of like it's on permanent standby, if you know what I mean. Like online and offline at the same time. #Goodbye   #WiiShopChannel

The Wii Shop Channel is officially GONE. Or not! It has been extended...

Back in 2017, Nintendo announced that the Wii Shop Channel would be discontinued on Jan 30, 2019. That's today! Yet apparently, Nintendo wanted to give their customers one last chance to buy stuff on the Wii Shop Channel, as it will actually, according to Nintendo Australia, shut down on Jan 31, 2019 at 1 AM EST. So, if you can stay up tonight, watch the livestream of the end of the Wii Shop Channel. So before 1 AM tonight, break your Wii OUT and buy GAMES! Out of points? Out of luck! I'm sorry, but Nintendo took away the ability to buy Wii Points in March 2018. #Goodbye   #WiiShopChannel #OneLastChance


Tanisha, I am so happy that you turned 18 today. This means so much for you. You are now an adult and there are so many more things you can do. This is an exciting day for you! Plus, you are graduating in June! This is an exciting day (and year) for you! #Tanishas18   #FutureGrad   #ClassOf2019


I should've posted this Friday, but I have some crazy news to announce. After a 20 YEAR long search, my school has finally found a new building, needed due to the unusually high enrollment, and the fact that the current building is over 100 years old. They are moving from Holyoke to Easthampton, MA. They will be moving on Sep 3, 2019. My bus ride (without stops and traffic) will be 11 min instead of 21 min. But the new building has some amenities that the current building cannot provide, like a full-on gymnasium (instead of the small weight room we currently have), a full-on cafeteria, sports fields are likely, and there will be a jungle gym outside! The new building will be AWESOME! It will also be WAY bigger. There will also be outdoor classes sometimes and a beautiful view of the mountain. Also, the old building was built in 1916. The new building, however, was built around 2000! The old building in Holyoke, MA. The new building in Easthampton, MA.


I can't believe it! The Patriots are going to the super bowl yet AGAIN this year! This is the ELEVENTH time they will be at the Super Bowl! They have been doing really well this season. I am so excited for Super Bowl LIII! And you are probably too! Super Bowl LIII will happen Feb 3, 2019 at 6:30 PM on your local CBS station. #GoPats   #SuperBowlLIII


Ah, another day in the history books... #BeautifulSunset


Every Friday should be a movie night. I spent my night watching Life Of The Party. How about yours? #Graduation   #TouchingMoments   #College #Crazy   #ClassOf2018   #LifeOfTheParty


Everybody knows the Wii. It was a revolutionary console that completely changed the gaming industry! It had a great life. But death signs started showing in 2013, when Nintendo discontinued WiiConnect24. This means that the Forecast Channel, News Channel, Everybody Votes Channel, Check Mii Out Channel, and the Nintendo Channel all went offline in 2013. And then in 2017, Nintendo announced the Wii Shop Channel would be discontinued on January 30, 2019. That's only a week from now! You'd better break out your Wii from storage and buy games. Out of points? Out of luck! Nintendo took away the ability to buy Wii Points back in March 2018. It marks the practical end of the Wii after over 12 years, as you're stuck with the games you already have. #Goodbye   #WiiShopChannel

The Super Blood Wolf Moon

This is also the 125th post! #125Posts Last night around midnight came a VERY rare lunar eclipse that only happens 3 times a CENTURY! Did you stay up and see it? I did. If you missed it, well, I'll see you in 2047, when the next one happens! I'm very sorry if you missed it. I saw it last night. I tried taking a picture of it, but the moon was too dim, so I wouldn't have wanted to upload a completely black picture! But I did see it with my own eyes! I'm so glad I was able to stay up and see it, especially on a Sunday night! I usually have to go to bed early on Sundays, but I was able to stay up, thanks to the #3DayWeekend ! I was watching Netflix from 9:30 PM until 12 AM Monday, when the eclipse happened. I didn't take this photo, but this is what the eclipse looked like. #SuperBloodWolfMoon

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Today is going to be a chill (and VERY CHILLY day, as it will be in the single digits today) I am probably not going to go anywhere, due to the extreme cold; it was -4 F at 10 AM! Today, we honor Martin Luther King Jr.; he was a great person who supported civil rights and led the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. He also lead many peaceful protests. It is sad that he was assassinated in 1968; he was not even 40. But he is remembered in many different ways, like his I Have A Dream speech. #MLKDay


Remember, how on 1/11/19 (I should've gone 1/10/19 to get a $10 reward, but didn't) I went to 110 Grill for the first time? It was great! Some people had bad experiences, but I had a great one! And today, that experience continues. Just because I signed up for their mailing list, they gave me a $5 discount right off the bat! Thank you so much, 110 Grill! #110Grill


Yes, there will be another lunar eclipse tonight, and the moon will turn reddish orange! The next time there will be a lunar eclipse visible in my area will be in 2020, and the next total eclipse visible in my area will be around the time I graduate high school in May 2022! But what makes this eclipse so unique? It's considered a super blood wolf moon and those only happen 3 times a CENTURY! It's considered a wolf moon, because it falls in January! The next one of these visible in my area won't be until 2047! So DON'T MISS OUT! It's almost literally the event of a LIFETIME! In my area, tonight's SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON will be at maximum visibility at 12:12 AM on 1/21/19. Hopefully, the skies are clear after last night's snowstorm! If not, OH WELL! In my area, if you miss out tonight, you'll have to wait ANOTHER 28 YEARS! SO DON'T MISS OUT! #SuperBloodWolfMoon   #LunarEclipse A picture of a SUPER BLOOD MOON.

My High School Years: Episode XIII (1/18/19)

This is SEASON 1 EPISODE 13. First episode in 2 weeks! Last week I went to 110 Grill and had a GREAT time! This week I had an outing with Julie and had Kisara. What a great way to end the week and to start the 3 day weekend! Maybe 4, because Tuesday morning will hover around 0 degrees Fahrenheit! But it will be like 20 later on, so maybe just a 3 day weekend. #110Grill    #AfterSchoolFun   #3DayWeekend Also, I am a few minutes late now, but the show now has a guaranteed schedule of Friday night at 8 PM. Seen this episode? Check out  S1 E14 ! Updated 2/18/19.

therichard27 does the popular #10YearChallenge!

If you don't know what the #10YearChallenge is, it's a popular new 2019 social media stunt where people upload photos of themself 10 years ago versus now to see how much they've changed. I particularly have changed A LOT in the past 10 years. Me in 2009. Me in 2019 (now) Wow, what a difference! #10YearChallenge

2 MONTHS TO PI DAY! (3/14)

Today marks 2 months to pi day! Pi Day 2019 is the last good pi day for 90 YEARS, because 3.14.1 9! Pi starts with 3.141... Pi Day is celebrated at some schools on March 14 for 3.14! I have also memorized pi to an impressive amount: 423 digits! PI= 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092...

Dinner at 110 Grill (1/11/19)

In 2018, I started looking forward to the opening of 110 Grill at the mall. The website said it would be opening Fall 2018. However, it was delayed to Late 2018, and the restaurant opened just in time for the holidays on Dec 13, 2018. Since then, I had really been looking forward to going there. And last night on Jan 11, 2019, we went to the mall. We first stopped at Target to get some shampoo, and then we went to 110 Grill. We got in at around 7:30 PM. We got to our table, and wow, it looked so elegant. It was like everything was bronze and gold. The sign to the restaurant. We got in, they asked us if any of us had food allergies. They don't ask THAT anywhere else. I told the greeter that I had to eat gluten free, and Mom has shrimp and shellfish allergies. So then we got to the table. We were talking, and then the waitress came and asked what we wanted to drink. I asked for Sprite. So then after 5-10 minutes, my Sprite came. It was good. By this time, it was 8 PM.

Highlights from CES 2019 and the tech world

So, today was the last day of CES 2019, and wow, what an event it was! It lasted from Jan 8-11, 2019, and there were some great things announced. SanDisk is trying to pull into the memory market, with a prototype FOUR terabyte flash drive announced. Lexar made their ultimate success with the FIRST ever 1 terabyte SD card, available immediately. SanDisk first tried getting into the terabyte market in 2016, with a prototype 1 terabyte SD card announced, but it never came out. They tried again at CES 2018 with a prototype 1 terabyte flash drive, but that also never came out. SanDisk has now tried to introduce a 4 terabyte flash drive at CES 2019, but with the way the company has been in recent years, it probably won't come out. But you never know! SanDisk is having a hard time trying to enter the terabyte market. Lexar's new 1TB SD card. SanDisk's attempt at a 4TB flash drive. SanDisk's failed attempt at a 1TB flash drive from CES 2018. Not from CES, bu


Well, you might know this: In 2016, SanDisk revealed a 1TB SD card! That is huge! But the product never came out! They also revealed a 1TB flash drive that looks more like a flash drive at CES 2018, but that also never came out! SanDisk is clearly failing. But this company named Lexar has finally made such a product a real thing. What a great way to start 2019! This company is setting all sorts of tech milestones; for example, in late October 2018, they made the 512GB microSD card a real thing! This company is clearly doing well. But SanDisk has plans: They just announced a 4TB flash drive that kind of doesn't look like a flash drive at CES 2019. Will it come out? Lexar's new 1TB SD card. Lexar's 512GB microSD card. SanDisk's planned 4TB flash drive. Last year's SanDisk 1TB flash drive that never came out.

You never saw this coming: therichard27's "A Lot Of Hashtags" 2018 Yearbook!

Well, back in December, I got a suggestion from my one-on-one at school that I should make a yearbook. So here it is! It's a great yearbook, and the first ever yearbook from therichard27! Want to view it? Here is the link:

My High School Years: Welcome to 2019! (1/4/19)

This is SEASON 1 EPISODE 12. Happy New Year 2019! I am finally back after a month of no episodes, due to limited storage space around Christmas. I got the 200gb micro SD card I wanted and that TRIPLED my storage. So now, I'll be making episodes every Friday for a while! Hope you saved all your time for this, because this episode is 23 MINUTES long! That's right; it is the longest episode I have ever done. It even exceeds the 22 minute flashback episode from The Preseason! Now, let's get to it. Summary: Happy New Year 2019! This episode is packed with action! I had my last day being 14, my birthday, Christmas, and New Year's, and also a lot more! Hope you saved all your time for this, because this episode is 23 MINUTES long! Now, some of my viewers have been complaining about one of the parts of my video (12/18/18) being quiet. I tried rerecording the video, but I think that the video in general was quiet. I just want to clarify that the video itself on the 2DS

Happy New Year 2019!

I can't believe that it's not 2018 anymore, and that it is now 2019! Farewell to a year that brought us two graduations, a trip to RIT and Niagara Falls, and the beginning of My High School Years. It hasn't been the best first day of 2019, but I will see my mom today, and I know it will be a good visit. The ball drop footage will be featured on Friday's episode, Welcome to 2019!, coming January 4! Post updated Jan 3, 2019 to add photo. That photo is my own, handmade photo!