I have announced the titlecard for Friday's episode, The Extreme Cold. It will be called that because there will be lots of winter footage of the snow and cold on this episode. Today, Jan 31, 2019, is like the coldest day of my entire teenage life. I have been a teenager since late 2016. Today is going to be like 15°F at the highest, which is cold! That's not all, with the wind chills counted, it will be in the NEGATIVES all day! And not 1 below, 2 below, 3 below, we're talking 25-30 BELOW! I am absolutely shocked that kids are actually going to school today. My opinion, but I don't think kids should have to go to school at ALL in this type of weather. This is the second day in a row that they've sent out (shockingly!) a two hour delay. Hmm, I wonder, do two hour delays count towards snow days and lost vacations? I don't think so, but you never know. They have sent out THREE two-hour delays in the past TWO WEEKS! Anyways, I don't HAVE school today for the s...