Yes, there will be another lunar eclipse tonight, and the moon will turn reddish orange! The next time there will be a lunar eclipse visible in my area will be in 2020, and the next total eclipse visible in my area will be around the time I graduate high school in May 2022! But what makes this eclipse so unique? It's considered a super blood wolf moon and those only happen 3 times a CENTURY! It's considered a wolf moon, because it falls in January! The next one of these visible in my area won't be until 2047! So DON'T MISS OUT! It's almost literally the event of a LIFETIME!

In my area, tonight's SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON will be at maximum visibility at 12:12 AM on 1/21/19. Hopefully, the skies are clear after last night's snowstorm! If not, OH WELL! In my area, if you miss out tonight, you'll have to wait ANOTHER 28 YEARS! SO DON'T MISS OUT!

#SuperBloodWolfMoon #LunarEclipse

A picture of a SUPER BLOOD MOON.


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