The Super Blood Wolf Moon

This is also the 125th post!


Last night around midnight came a VERY rare lunar eclipse that only happens 3 times a CENTURY! Did you stay up and see it? I did. If you missed it, well, I'll see you in 2047, when the next one happens! I'm very sorry if you missed it. I saw it last night. I tried taking a picture of it, but the moon was too dim, so I wouldn't have wanted to upload a completely black picture! But I did see it with my own eyes! I'm so glad I was able to stay up and see it, especially on a Sunday night! I usually have to go to bed early on Sundays, but I was able to stay up, thanks to the #3DayWeekend! I was watching Netflix from 9:30 PM until 12 AM Monday, when the eclipse happened.

I didn't take this photo, but this is what the eclipse looked like.



  1. Beautiful picture!!! Great piece of history.

  2. Thank you for posting this beautiful and amazing photo of the Lunar Eclipse!!


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