
Showing posts from May, 2020

September 9, 2019 (AW MAN! ⛏)

Well, I lost my journal on September 9, 2019, so I couldn't write anything about that day until now: All I can say is that the class was SO hyped about Minecraft that the "Creeper. Aw Man!" meme was EVERYWHERE, even somebody was WEARING A SHIRT for it; I didn't know they sold apparel for it! And that's about it for September 9, 2019! #CreeperAwMan   #Minecraft   Updated 5/29/20.


Today is ALL about going to the movies to see the new Dora The Explorer! It was a great movie, and I loved it! ⚠️ Beware, SPOILERS AHEAD ⚠️ So, here's the movie: At the beginning, Dora (6 years old) says goodbye to her long loved friend, Diego, as he moves away. Then the movie immediately turns to present day Dora (just entering high school), and the rest of the movie follows Dora, her friends, and family who attempt to find the long-lost city of Parapata and to find the lost treasure of Parapata! It's great, you should go watch it! Also, on this lovely Sunday evening, just before going back to school, after sundown, I am treated to this amazing sight of La Luna! (the moon) It is so gorgeous! #DoraMovie   Updated 5/29/20.

September 7, 2019

PHONE FREE DOES NOT HAVE TO MEAN ENTERTAINMENT FREE! Well, after searching through my old stuff to get rid of some old stuff, I found some ENTERTAINMENT in that box! Electronic Oregon Trail, Deal Or No Deal, Monopoly Jackpot (dates to 1999 and is a slot machine game! 🤣🤣🤣), and Electronic Yahtzee! (And FYI, I still get to watch TV) So, that's my day!

September 6, 2019

Wow, can't believe it's Friday already! The week just FLEW BY! Today was a great day! Here's how it went: Everything up until 11:50 was normal and not noteworthy. (Periods 1-4) But, in 5th and final period, (11:50-12:30) noteworthy things began to happen! If you're wondering, 5th period is history class. The assignment they made us do was to watch a war letters documentary and write a fictional letter about being in war. But before we get there, here is an overview of history class: The first thing we do is say hi to the history teacher, Bob. Then we watch this daily thing called CNN10, which cramps the most recent news and a little trivia into a segment that's EXACTLY 10 minutes long, no more, no less! Then after, we do the daily assignment! So, the assignment we did Thursday and Friday (today) was to watch a war letters documentary and write a fictional letter about being in war. I did EXCEPTIONALLY WELL, as ALWAYS! What IRKS me is that, some kids didn't WANT ...

September 4, 2019 (FIRST DAY OF 10TH GRADE)

Well, it's THAT time! The first day of 10th grade AND the first day in the new building! Now let me tell you, THE NEW BUILDING ROCKS! IT LOOKS MORE LIKE AN ACTUAL HIGH SCHOOL, WITH A CAFÉTORIUM, A GYM, AND ALL THAT! I LOVE IT, AND THERE'S NO PLACE I'D RATHER BE! (Song reference) It also has a beautiful view of the mountain and all that! It was also a great first day! 

September 3, 2019

BEST DAY EVER!!! Today began as a normal day. I got woken up because Mom had to bring my little brother to his first day of 4th grade! So I got up! Afterwards, Khadiah came, and at around 11, we went to the center! I messed around with my former camera for awhile, and then went on the computer for awhile until we had to go home at 1:30. Then Mary, my bio-mom, and I went to the mall to do some clothes shopping for school AND... (find out later!) First, we went to American Eagle Outfitters! That was AMAZING, and I picked out the BEST clothing! Thank GOD I wasn't paying the check! That one store took $245 out of Mary's wallet! AFTERWARDS, WE WENT TO 110 GRILL! As a surprise, Mary and my bio-mom agreed to take me to 110 GRILL after clothes shopping SECRETLY! I mean, my bio-mom didn't even tell me until the very end when we were in JCPenney! (which is RIGHT NEXT to 110 Grill) While my bio-mom was shopping in there, she told me that we were going to 110 Grill! It was great becaus...

September 1, 2019

Wow, can't believe it's September already! The month when: Kids go back to school, it starts getting colder outside, the leaves start changing colors, and when you realize that summer is coming to an end... Just sad. I was relaxing in my chair in Lawrence MA on the last days of summer. It's only about 70 outside! (Why am I in Lawrence MA, 2 hours away from home?) I am at an overnight birthday party!  Pictures from September 1, 2019: The gang is together! Updated 5/28/20. #LawrenceMA  

August 31, 2019

San Francisco FogCam, rest in peace... NOT! SFSU agrees to keep old, historic 1994 webcam up and running! The San Francisco FogCam, which has been running at  since 1994, was projected for a 08-30-2019 or 08-31-2019 shutdown, but those plans have been cancelled, and the website plans to continue operation! 4 DAYS UNTIL 10TH GRADE IN THE NEW SCHOOL! #FogCam UPDATE 5/28/2020: It appears that as of May 2020, the FogCam may have been paused or even shuttered due to the coronavirus, as the last capture was done on February 21, 2020 at 3:52:23 AM local time (PT). Hopefully it will bounce back soon, but we'll just have to wait and see. :( Continuation... Oh, one last thing... You know that vacant mill complex at 1 Ferry Street in Easthampton MA that has plans to turn into a residential complex? Well, they FINALLY started tearing down the long vacant and dilapidated structure! One building has gone down completely, others are being torn down, and some will be rehabilit...

August 29, 2019

A gluten-free MAKEOVER... So Mom and I took a necessary trip to Big Y for some groceries. And while we were there, we went to the GF section and saw some REVOLUTIONARY new items! But my favorite was the Twin Bar! ((It's basically a GF KitKat, and boy, you couldn't tell the difference between a normal KitKat and a GF KitKat (Twin Bar)) Well, I also found a mini waffle product that was GF, despite having gluten-free wheat in it! (Gluten-free wheat? Didn't know that existed!) Honestly, though, this was a dud product; go for the Twin Bar instead! Best and first GF KitKat ever! (MY FIRST KITKAT IN 4 YEARS!), I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2015, so from then on, NO MORE WHEAT, BARLEY, MALT, OR RYE!) Thank you Schär, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! "Have a break, have a *GF* *Twin Bar*!"

August 28, 2019

So if you don't know, I have been ABSOLUTELY STOKED about the 110 Grill coming to Hadley MA! (10 miles from where I live) I have seen its construction, and it just reached a critical point. THE SIGNAGE IS FINALLY UP!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO OPEN!!! I AM GOING THE FIRST DAY IT'S OPEN, AND I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GO TO THE GRAND OPENING! Unfortunately, there's no opening date yet! Ugh! However, "Now Hiring" signs are around the new Hadley plaza, which is yet to open, has 3 tenants (110 Grill, Five Guys (another restaurant), and L.L. Bean, and is next to the Mountain Farms Mall! Signs said "110 Grill Now Hiring" and "L.L. Bean, opening fall 2019" 110 Grill Hadley, I WILL BE YOUR 1ST CUSTOMER AND ALWAYS YOUR #1 FAN! #110Grill

It's DAY 4 of our trip to Rochester/Niagara Falls (US)/Lake George!

Today was August 26, 2019, and it was our fourth and final day of our megatrip to Rochester/Niagara Falls (US)/Lake George!  In case you forgot, this is what each day will bring or has already brung: Day 1: Rochester Day 2: Niagara Falls (US) Day 3: Lake George Day 4: Farewell In red is what this day's trip was. For the last day of our trip, we woke up in our motel around 9am. I had a small breakfast: 2 GF double chocolate muffins and a banana! It was delightful! Then we left the Studio Motel for good and drove to downtown Lake George!  At 10:15am, we arrived in downtown Lake George, and we walked down downtown for awhile, and then went to the boatside so the others could go on the Minne-Ha-Ha. (that boat tour of Lake George) But it turns out, it wasn't the right time to go on it. Mom then told me to go in the water, but there was a notice that said there was bacteria in the water, so NO. Afterwards, I went into a souvenir shop and tried buying some apparel with the $33 I had....

It's DAY 3 of our trip to Rochester/Niagara Falls (US)/ Lake George!

Today was August 25, 2019, and it marked our third day of our trip to Rochester/Niagara Falls (US)/ Lake George! In case you forgot, this is what each day will bring or has already brung: Day 1: Rochester Day 2: Niagara Falls (US) Day 3: Lake George Day 4: Farewell In red is what this day's trip was. Special thanks to my journal for storing this information, because with COVID-19 and it being 9 months since my last writing, I have largely forgotten my 2019 trips. Most of these words are from my journal. Today, we woke up early in our Niagara Falls hotel and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I had a banana and eggs for breakfast. After having breakfast, we left early and took the 5 hour drive to Lake George, and arrived at 4pm. We got to our motel, and sadly there was no view of the lake from it. But it was a GREAT motel, not those crummy ones in small towns. (Now it sounds like I'm writing a country song! 🙂) And the view of the forest that the motel did have was SP...

It's DAY 2 of our trip to Rochester/ Niagara Falls (US) / Lake George!

Yesterday was August 24, 2019, and it marked our second day of our trip to Rochester/Niagara Falls (US) / Lake George! In case you forgot, this is what each day will bring or has already brung: Day 1: Rochester Day 2: Niagara Falls (US) Day 3: Lake George Day 4: Farewell In red is what this day's trip was. Now THIS was a crazy day, and I'm ready to talk about it! At 9 AM, we woke up in Rochester and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I had scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast. It was very good! Then, at 10:30 AM, we finally left to Niagara Falls! (US) Now this was the THIRD year we had to stay on the US side because the government is really giving us RED TAPE. That means they're messing around and not wanting to give us the passport. So we had to spend the night on the US side AGAIN after doing it in 2017 AND 2018. We got to the falls around 3 PM, but it turns out our hotel was 15 minutes away from downtown Niagara Falls, and that was a little disappointing....