August 31, 2019

San Francisco FogCam, rest in peace... NOT! SFSU agrees to keep old, historic 1994 webcam up and running!

The San Francisco FogCam, which has been running at since 1994, was projected for a 08-30-2019 or 08-31-2019 shutdown, but those plans have been cancelled, and the website plans to continue operation!


UPDATE 5/28/2020: It appears that as of May 2020, the FogCam may have been paused or even shuttered due to the coronavirus, as the last capture was done on February 21, 2020 at 3:52:23 AM local time (PT). Hopefully it will bounce back soon, but we'll just have to wait and see. :(


Oh, one last thing... You know that vacant mill complex at 1 Ferry Street in Easthampton MA that has plans to turn into a residential complex? Well, they FINALLY started tearing down the long vacant and dilapidated structure! One building has gone down completely, others are being torn down, and some will be rehabilitated.
Here is the progress (DRASTIC) (NO PHOTOS)

The old cupola, which sat on top of the now-demolished dilapidated structure, will be saved and cleaned, and will then sit on display, likely at the Old Town Hall.

Updated 5/28/20.

Pictures from August 31, 2019:

As you can see, August 31, 2019 was a pretty fun day!


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