September 3, 2019


Today began as a normal day. I got woken up because Mom had to bring my little brother to his first day of 4th grade! So I got up! Afterwards, Khadiah came, and at around 11, we went to the center! I messed around with my former camera for awhile, and then went on the computer for awhile until we had to go home at 1:30. Then Mary, my bio-mom, and I went to the mall to do some clothes shopping for school AND... (find out later!)
First, we went to American Eagle Outfitters! That was AMAZING, and I picked out the BEST clothing! Thank GOD I wasn't paying the check! That one store took $245 out of Mary's wallet! AFTERWARDS, WE WENT TO 110 GRILL! As a surprise, Mary and my bio-mom agreed to take me to 110 GRILL after clothes shopping SECRETLY! I mean, my bio-mom didn't even tell me until the very end when we were in JCPenney! (which is RIGHT NEXT to 110 Grill) While my bio-mom was shopping in there, she told me that we were going to 110 Grill! It was great because it was my bio-mom's first time there and it's my favorite restaurant! I got my normal order: Pasta primavera with sweet potato fries, and my bio-mom got the pulled pork mac and cheese with a mushroom allergy! (I didn't know my mom was allergic to mushrooms!) They even gave us both bread and butter, which was delightful! But afterwards, due to Mom needing to leave the mall, we converted our order to takeout, and I ate my 110 Grill food in the car! It was VERY GOOD! And before we left, my bio-mom paid the bill, and because I have a loyalty account, the $50 we spent went to my loyalty! Here's how 110 loyalty works: When you go to 110 Grill for the first time, when you get to the table, the waitress tells you everything about 110 Grill, like the from-scratch kitchen, the fact that 100% of the main menu can be made GF, and the 110 loyalty program! Here's how to get 110 loyalty: Go to and at the top, you will see the Register or Login tab. Click "Register" and it will take you to the site to register for 110 Grill loyalty! (Don't worry, registration is free) Once you enter a username and password, there you go, you have a 110 Grill loyalty account! You can find out more at, but here are the main perks: 

Each $1 equals 1 point. Once you accumulate $110 in spending, you get $10 off your next visit! And this can be accumulated multiple times as well!

You get a free dessert during the month of your birthday and/or the month of your anniversary!

After 10 lunch visits, the 11th one you get a free lunch éntree! (Up to $20)


So, it's good to be a member! A 110 loyalty member!

Now THAT was a good day! Thanks for taking me to 110 Grill, bio-mom!

Updated 5/29/20.


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