Darker days and lighter days ahead

Honestly, I don't know. This weekend has been crazy, with a trip to McCray's Farm in South Hadley, MA on Saturday to go on the hayride (the daytime one, not the haunted one, although I want to go to the haunted hayride at McCray's (the hayride, but after 7pm and with scary features with it being dark out) and another nearby attraction called DementedFX in Holyoke, MA, voted as the #1 haunted house in America, but I don't think this is going to happen due to COVID-19 and a lack of time before Halloween (only 5 days away), although they are open until November 1st, but that doesn't make sense; why go to a haunted attraction AFTER Halloween is over; it makes no sense. But what DOESN'T make sense: that Halloween has barely arrived and CHRISTMAS is already in store! (Literally, in stores) Sunday and Monday marked being with my mom and dad and being in school today, in person, on Monday. Unfortunately, there are darker days ahead, my dad has cancer and is going to pass away soon... But there are lighter days ahead too! AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine has been proven effective with immunity results in adults, today, Monday, October 26, 2020 - but is not currently FDA approved, only one treatment currently is - Veklury (formerly remdesivir), which was FDA approved on October 22, although "a huge study" has proven that Veklury is not effective - although from my results on reading research, it seems effective. (I am NOT a COVID-19 scientist)

Why I think Veklury (remdesivir) is effective:
Reduces COVID-19 recovery time from 15 to 10 days

Even for one reason, that's still a big one!

And, for the darker days ahead - COVID-19 getting worse; in this case, this is already happening, one of my local cities' COVID-19 cases DOUBLED recently and the fall weather is just making things worse, as well as causing some businesses to reshutter.

For the lighter days - 2021 is looking GOOD!
The return of My High School Years in early 2021, MANY SUMMER TRIPS in northern New England (Vermont and New Hampshire), 5 LOCAL COLLEGE TOURS, joining HEROES for the first real summer with them, and SO much more for my last high school summer! (likely joining in November 2020!)

So yes, there are darker days and lighter days ahead.

Cheers to the future?


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