My High School Years - Merry Christmas From TR27 (12/27/19)


This is SEASON 2 EPISODE 9, the last episode fully featuring the 2010s!

Summary: Merry Christmas from TR27! This holiday week, I showed off my winter fashion, saw some winter scenery, had a very long and amazing day filled with getting a snack with George, putting the first Christmas presents underneath the tree, which mine, SAID THE NAMES OF THE GIFTS ON THE PACKAGES, very spoilish and NOT GOOD! 🤬 Afterwards, we went to the mall to get last-minute Christmas gifts, got some 99 cent ICE CREAM from Round1 (we didn't bowl or go to the arcade, just got ice cream, yes, ICE CREAM AT CHRISTMAS TIME, VERY UNUSUAL) and afterwards, went to McDonald's at like 10PM (no footage, sadly), and got home around 11PM, a late night out at Christmas time! After THAT magnificent day, on Christmas Eve, Julie gave me a BOATLOAD of gluten free foods to eat for the holidays, since I was missing out on many holiday treats due to being gluten free. On Christmas Eve night, we decorated gingerbread houses, and mine was the worst! 🤣 I had SO much trouble... After THAT, we ate dinner around 10PM, where I gave the best prayers in the house, and immediately went to bed afterwards due to it approaching midnight, which is when the "magic" happens, which you CAN'T be up to see! On Christmas, we opened our presents (I got over a DOZEN of them!), then I got my haircut post-Christmas, and William gave me his Big Time Rush CDs from 2013. (1st and 2nd albums, BTR and ELEVATE) It was a great last week of the 2010s and I don't know what the 2020s are going to look like, but I'm very interested to find out... See you in 2020!

Seen this episode? Well, stay tuned for S2 E10, a New Year's themed episode, featuring the first moments of 2020, coming soon!

1080P viewing on Google Photos currently unavailable, sorry for the inconvience.
(Episodes up to S2 E6 available in 1080P)

Updated 10/5/20, fixed posting the wrong episode! 🤣


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