What a great Valentine's Day!

Today was Valentine's Day, and you know what THAT means. It's the only day beside Halloween (and Easter for young ones, not me) that school gives out free candy! Kids and teens LOVE free candy! Obviously, when you're gluten free (and the school is nut free), it can sometimes be a pain in the ASS to find candy that is OK to give out at school, both for me and the students who have life-threatening nut allergies (for me, eating gluten wouldn't be life-threatening, I would just get a bad stomachache, think food poisoning/stomach bug symptoms; I still wouldn't want to deal with that), but they still found candy for me and we were even able to eat some free candy in class, which was awesome!

Anyways, here's the bags and other goodies that I got:


(My community)

(Foster mom, Mary)

Thanks for reading, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Updated 2/23/22.


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