August 27, 2018

Today is Aug 27, 2018. Today, I saw George from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM. We played Uno and Monopoly. Now, George is the CHAMPION in Monopoly; he won both games we played; the one back in February, and the one now. Now, in February, I lost playing against him and nobody else with a $900 rent charge. This game I played with 3 people: George, my little brother, and I. But this time, George won AGAIN. He even beat my little brother. My little brother was the first to lose; I was the second. Now, back in February, he bankrupted me with a $900 rent charge. This time however, he bankrupted me with a $1050 rent charge! So he just got better.

An unusual scenario in Monopoly that happened today, all 3 of us were on the jail spot; 2 in jail, the other "just visiting."


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