Today was June 23, 2020, and it marked the first day of our trip to Cape Cod! It started with me getting up at 8:30 AM. We packed and I got ready, played a couple games before we left, and at 12:30 PM, we left to Cape Cod! The drive was 2 1/2 hours, and I spent 90% of the time playing Antimatter Dimensions, and the other 10% was taking pictures and videos! So, after tons of pictures and videos, lots of scenery, and tons of gameplay, we arrived in Cape Cod! We got to the WRONG HOTEL around 3:30 PM! Our motel was a mile away from the one we arrived at! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ At 3:45-4:00 PM, we arrived at the right motel, and put our stuff inside. We were going to walk/swim on the beach, but it was too cold (the Cape is a lot colder than where I live; for example, at the motel the high for 6/24 is 78 degrees, whereas at home, the high is 86 degrees, an 8 degree gap, although the gap can sometimes be 10-15 degrees) and it got late, so it looks like we will be going to the beach tomorrow for Day 2 of our trip to Cape Cod. Today was just getting to the motel and relaxing, and tomorrow we will start doing stuff on Day 2 of the 5 days we are spending in Cape Cod, which leaves a lot of time to do stuff, and probably a rain date (maybe even 2) if the weather is bad. (hopefully not!) So, that was really it for Day 1 of our trip to Cape Cod, except that I took a selfie with William and Melanie, looked at the Early Summer 2020 Cape Cod guidebook, and filmed a Zoom call on live TV, which was pretty interesting to see, and then that was it for Day 1 of our trip to Cape Cod!

Here is a sneak peek at the 2 1/2 hour drive to Cape Cod (Centerville, MA)

And at the end: Our Motel!

Now for the videos:

And here are some evening pics and vids:

Ever wondering what a Zoom call looks like on live TV? Well, check this out: (Filmed from a Cape Cod public access channel on 6-23-2020, about 8:30pm)

It's been an interesting day and we haven't really done anything, see you tomorrow for more! 

Updated 6/25/20.


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