
Showing posts from January, 2021

Please donate to our fundraiser! πŸ™‚ #Summer2021Normality

Hi, everybody. I am asking for one simple favor, please. If you can, I am asking you to donate to our teen club's, HEROES, fundraiser. Also, if you have the time to, can you PLEASE share this on social media so more people could donate? Thanks! Our goal is to raise $6,500 in total, but we are looking to raise $500 total by 2/2/2021, so please donate! (If you can) Fundraiser description: Want to join us in making a difference in the spirit of LOVE!? We're helping youth leaders raise money to benefit the  Treehouse HEROES Youth Leadership program  of the Treehouse Foundation (Treehouse), and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us. Treehouse Foundation (Treehouse): Treehouse's mission is to promote public investment in our most vulnerable children. We inspire, implement and support innovative child welfare practices that ensure that children who experience foster care find lifelong family relationsh

GOODBYE, 9:30PM...

On January 25, 2021 at 5AM, my state's mandatory 10PM curfew (most businesses closed by 9:30PM, however some closed at 10PM), and its corresponding 10PM-5AM stay at home advisory OFFICIALLY ENDED. CELEBRATION TIME! (Over Zoom, that is) I haven't yet, but when the time comes, I WILL BE OUT AFTER 9:30PM, DOING WHO KNOWS WHAT SPENDING THE LAST YEAR OF ME AS A TEENAGER! #YOLO (throwback to 2012-13) Here's how I feel: From now on, the only 9:30 curfew for me is my 9:30PM BEDTIME. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™ AT LEAST IT'S BETTER THAN GOING TO SLEEP AT 8PM A FEW WEEKS AGO! 🀣🀣🀣 And even though that is currently unlikely with the vaccine rollout, which has been proven to work against the new UK and South Africa COVID strains, and the decreasing cases, I am aware that if things start going the wrong direction, that this curfew (or other strict restrictions) may come back. So go out while you can!!! I WILL! Soon.


We have officially hit the grim milestone of 100 million coronavirus cases, or more than 1% of the WORLD having been infected with COVID-19. Not good. However, about 3/4 have recovered from COVID-19, which is a good thing, with about 26 million active cases in the world, which is close to the amount of total cases in the US, which is about 25 million as well. Over 2.1 million have officially died from COVID-19, and as of 1/27/2021, more than 71 million people in the world have received the COVID-19 vaccine, with about 24.5 million in the US having received the vaccine, and about 3.2 million in the US having received the full vaccine with 2 doses. So, we are in a dark time with the pandemic, but we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, as new COVID cases have come slightly down with the vaccine rollout, and most likely, by the beginning of May, 100-150 million people will have received the vaccine, and probably, at least 50-100 million people will have full immunity to


WOW. It's been 1 year since COVID-19 made its way to the US for the first time on January 21, 2020 from Wuhan, China. A lot has changed since then, and I am also sorry for failing to address the start of the pandemic on My High School Years (February - Mayish) as this is a very historic time we are living through. Things that have changed in 1 year: LIFE INDEFINITELY INTERRUPTED MANY MORE RESTRICTIONS ON LIFE (Masks, distancing, curfews, closed businesses, etc.) In January 2020, we thought: "This is a small virus, it will go away" "China will deal with this, its just another one of those viruses, like Ebola" "It will never make it this far, we will be fine" But, by Spring 2020, all of those thoughts were extinguished when we found out the hard truth about COVID-19, which was all of the above... Now, in January 2021, we are thinking: "This will be over soon, we will all get vaccinated" "Will we get to have a normal summer?" "Can


This event may not be available to watch after January 20, 2021, so WATCH NOW! Updated 1/20/21.

A NEW #1: drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo

All over TikTok/Instagram, all over... Olivia Rodrigo, who I have never even heard of before, has made it to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 with her hit song "drivers license". I like the song, and even though I don't understand the basis of the song, apparently it's about a relationship, like most modern songs are. I like the way the song sounds with its vocals and stuff. Proof about the #1: The song itself: (warning: explicit lyrics) So, congratulations on a #1 Hot Shot Debut, Olivia Rodrigo!


TODAY'S THE DAY! January 18, 2021. The release day of gluten free official Oreos! This is an incredible milestone for the gluten free market as from my diagnosis of Celiac disease in 2015 to now, I have only been able to eat unofficial Oreos, or just gluten free sandwich cookies as they would be called. But NOW, Oreos at last for the first time in almost 6 years! I won't be able to catch them today, OBVIOUSLY, but this is amazing news! Screenshots: @Oreo on Twitter: "It's #NationalGlutenFreeDay and we can finally let you in on the secret! Gluten Free OREO cookies will be on shelves starting January 18th πŸ₯³" (Posted 1/13/21) Not surprisingly, they are already out of stock! It will probably be hard for me to get them or even find them for the next 2 weeks, maybe by the end of the month, but I don't know... So, welcome to the gluten free world, Oreo! We hope you'll stay and enjoy it!

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day (2021)

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the day where we honor MLK, who led the Civil Rights Movement to try and end racism, and where he made his famous I Had A Dream speech. He was a very famous person that was an amazing figure of humanity! BTW, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day today, I am going to play Roblox and Minecraft, and I will finish my homework later. So, happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!


I didn't post about it when it happened, but in August 2020, I met my friend, and we watched Redbox (SO 2010; only because the wifi was down because of Tropical Storm Isaias) and went to 110 Grill together. After an over 5 month hiatus, I am now back with him, and things have really changed since August 2020; here are some major changes. 1. COVID-19 is MUCH WORSE than it was in August 2020 2. COVID-19 has MUTATED into a new strain called B.1.1.7, which now has infected 88 people in the US 3. COVID-19 has caused other things to change, like these: 3a. Mandatory state curfews (In the summer, even though places closed earlier, there were technically no curfews, you could be out as late as desired; in September 2020, I was out about 2 hours from my house in Lawrence, MA, and didn't get back until 2AM! Now, you can only go out until 10PM, and everything non-essential has to close by 9:30PM. (Some places are open until 10PM, however) 4. There is now a VACCINE for COVID-19 (TWO, ACTUA


3 PERCENT. THAT'S HOW MUCH OF THE US HAS BEEN VACCINATED AGAINST COVID SO FAR. IT'S NOT MUCH RIGHT NOW, but by summer, we could have half the country vaccinated. I'm crossing my fingers for summer normality, but that's not likely right now, sadly. By the way, we got here in 30 DAYS. It's been 30 DAYS since the first American was vaccinated against COVID-19. NY Times/CDC map: (10,278,462 vaccinated) Bloomberg map: (10,788,770 vaccinated) SO, WE ARE GETTING THERE AND WE CAN DO IT! #Summer2021Normality

President Trump becomes the first ever US President to be impeached twice

Wow, it's happened. President Trump is the first EVER US President to be impeached TWICE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??? So, GOODBYE TRUMP... ENJOY THE STREETS AND JAIL, BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE GOING. ADIOS, SEΓ‘ORITO!!! 🀣🀣🀣😁😁😁 And what does jail mean? NO TWITTER OR SOCIAL MEDIA CUTOFF FROM THE WORLD NO COMPLAINING NO ESCAPING So enjoy jail... Because you deserve it...

My best footage of 2021 you haven't seen: Now on Dubox!

Lee Outlets? 110 Day? Other 2021 outings? Where is that? It's all on my Dubox of course! If you want to see it, click the link below. (Password is 4k5c) Thanks for your time, and enjoy!


After the January 6 US Capitol attacks, the Parler app, known for promoting free speech, and now, for planning the Capitol attacks, has been taken offline after Google and Apple removed the app from their app stores and Amazon took the site offline as the site used AWS, which Amazon removed AWS from Parler as it violated AWS TOS, which means that  is now offline until it finds a new web host, which will likely take at least a week, or that Parler could possibly be gone for good after what happened. Over 90 POSTS were found on Parler to be in violation of Amazon AWS TOS... Wow. What is Parler? Parler is an app that is like Twitter, except you're able to post whatever you want promoting free speech, basically what happened to 8Chan in August 2019, is now happening to Parler in January 2021. The app/website gained popularity in November 2020 during the elections, promoting pro-Trump material for the elections, and, in January 2021, for being one of many social medias that

Trump, you're FIRED.

DISCLAIMER: Despite making multiple blog posts on Donald Trump, I DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP, AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR BIDEN TO BE INAUGURATED! After the MASSIVE BREAK-IN of the U.S. Capitol on 1/6/21 from President Donald Trump and his tweets and posts possibly promoting violence to and from US citizens, Trump has OFFICIALLY BEEN BANNED FROM TWITTER! 88,700,000 to 0. 10,000s of tweets, GONE FOREVER. YOU TOOK IT TOO FAR THIS TIME, TRUMP. As of this writing on 1/10/2021, his Instagram and his Facebook are still up, and his YouTube is still up, although it is now harder to find as searching "Donald Trump" will just come up with videos and not his channel. But, for this event, the time has been expired for Trump's presence for awhile now, years and even DECADES, actually! Over 50,000 tweets, gone forever. The first president EVER to be officially banned from Twitter. NOT a good achievement AT ALL. Goodbye, Trump's Twitter... March 2009 - January 2021, you will not be missed...

The US Capitol

What happened on January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol, DONE AND PLANNED BY THE PRESIDENT, was absolutely wrong. Hundreds of people, breaking the law AND social distancing guidelines, storming the US Capitol just because they want the president to win? Come ON! This just doesn't make sense anymore AT ALL, what a joke! This event will CERTAINLY make the 2021 end of the year news list, and you guys really messed up. You caused Trump to get banned from Twitter (OK, maybe that was a good thing), you guys all risked getting COVID-19 and/or B1.1.7, the new COVID-19 variant, you all became criminals, breaking the law, what have you done? If you guys want footage, look it up. I am not associated with the Capitol attacks in any way. Also, this event makes me feel strongly about those with mental health. People with mental health and/or depression should not have to worry about an event like this when they are already struggling. I support those with mental health as I feel depressed sometimes a


Because it's the start of a new year, and that we now have a vaccine for COVID-19, it is worth it for me to start tracking the amount of people that are COVID vaccinated in the US, starting today, January 1, 2021. Number of people information: The New York Times/CDC/Bloomberg Note: Maximum number of vaccinations given shown. This will be updated every day. Current US population: ~332 million (January 2021, Worldometers) January 1, 2021: 3.49 million+ (1.051% vaccinated) January 2, 2021: 4.28 million+ (1.289% vaccinated) January 3, 2021: 4.33 million+ (1.304% vaccinated) January 4, 2021: No data available January 5, 2021: 5.05 million+ (1.521% vaccinated) January 6, 2021: 5.48 million+ (1.65% vaccinated) January 7, 2021: 6.25 million+ (1.883% vaccinated) January 8, 2021: 7.05 million+ (2.123% vaccinated) January 9, 2021: 7.73 million+ (2.328% vaccinated) Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 3:53PM

HAPPY 2021!!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

WELL, IT HAPPENED. WE ARE NOW IN 2021!!!!! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME, IF NOT EVER, THAT I HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN HAPPY ABOUT A YEAR ENDING. 2019-20 WAS SAD (EVEN MORE SAD AFTER THE EVENTS OF 2*20 HAPPENED), 2018-19 WAS UPSETTING, AND 2017-18, I COMPLETELY MISSED! WOW. HISTORIC! End of 2*20, beginning of 2021 gallery is available on Dubox: (Password is bzd6) SO, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€© By the way, the recap of New Year's Eve 2021 is available on my website; keep scrolling and you'll find it!!!


WELL, THIS IS IT. THE END OF, WELL, LAST YEAR AS I'LL PUT IT. NOW THAT LAST YEAR IS OVER, FINALLY, I HAVE TAKEN THE TIME TO PUT TOGETHER ALL OF MY ADVENTURES DURING THE LAST 11 DAYS OF, LAST YEAR, FROM HOT CHOCOLATE ON DECEMBER 20 TO THE RINGING IN OF 2021 AT MIDNIGHT ON JANUARY 1ST. AND I, WANT YOU TO SEE MY ADVENTURES. IF YOU WANT TO, OF COURSE. BTW, here is the link to my last adventures of our last, cursed year. (Password is 632r) December 20-31, 2*20. too much to put in here, now on Dubox! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ (Also my first post of 2021!!!)