Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day (2021)

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the day where we honor MLK, who led the Civil Rights Movement to try and end racism, and where he made his famous I Had A Dream speech. He was a very famous person that was an amazing figure of humanity!

BTW, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day today, I am going to play Roblox and Minecraft, and I will finish my homework later.

So, happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!


  1. This is a very important day for Civil Rights!!!

    1. Yes, it was an important day! (Was because I am posting this comment the day after you replied) You're lucky to be on my website at 11PM commenting; until tonight, I have to be in bed by 8PM where I am. I can't wait to go back home where I can stay up until 9-9:30PM! Haven't slept at 8PM for at least a year!


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