What is UP with the metaverse? 😎😱🌆 And are we even READY for it? (No, we're not.)

In the past 2 weeks, there has been NONSTOP reports about the metaverse, its introductions, and EVERYTHING ELSE.
But if you DON'T want the metaverse to sound digital (Zoom robot, anybody? 🙄), which you probably DON'T, then THREE companies in South Korea, Warpsolution, Citylabs, and Digisonic, are attempting to make the metaverse sound as life-like as possible, and they just had their first ever meeting in the metaverse.

For those of you viewing like "how the HELL is this 2021; can't this be from 2050 or something?", let me break it to you.



Now I'm going to read my 2016 book called 2030 which attempted to predict 2030, and see what we got. If I can even find it, that is...

I have predicted the future so many times, it's hard to know how many times!
Examples: 2020 will be the apocalypse, the metaverse, (making a game that you play where everybody interacts around you and you can interact with them, think The Sims + Real Life) among other predictions, which may be listed in the future.

Oculus has been out for a couple years as an VR/AR tool to put your phone in and just play around, but now, IT, ALONG WITH HOLOLENS 2 (MICROSOFT), ACTUALLY HAS A PURPOSE. A 5TH DIMENSIONAL WORLD, AFTER THE 4D WE ARE ALREADY IN, WITH THE 4TH BEING TIME.

Only worry: are we ready for the metaverse?
Now that 5G is ready, after the "I can't hear you, you sound like a robot/you're breaking up" disaster of 2020-21 that was Zoom, do we have fast enough internet to access this external world?

I have actually predicted the onset of the metaverse, as a sort of second internet, but now that it's here, is tech currently good enough for this sort of world? Self driving cars are coming out, but from what I saw on CNN10 (a school version of the news that incorporates current events, trivia, and puns all into an exactly 10 minute long segment, like All Too Well, Taylor's Version from Red, Taylor's Version, which is 10 minutes long as well and currently sits at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for 11/27/2021) this month, (November 2021), they clearly aren't ready yet as test drives shown on the episode show that the human behind the wheel has to actively interact as the car tries to, but fails to switch lanes and do other important traffic requirements, like stopping when the light turns red. If we can't have self driving cars right now because of internet/coding limitations, then we clearly aren't ready for the metaverse. It's a great concept, and the time seems right, but as Google Glass turned out to be a colossal fail in 2013 due to tech not being advanced enough for the time, then the same exact fate could happen for self driving cars and the metaverse. (...And when it's time, you'll know, Katy Perry, Firework, 2010) And it's not time yet.

Maybe we're ready? Only time will tell...

If we want a FULL METAVERSE (as many people/activities as real life), then modern tech doesn't support it right now. Probably when 6G becomes a thing, we'll START to get there. Outside of Roblox, (the current standing point of the metaverse, where Nike's metaverse - Nikeland, is, and others joining Roblox for their own metaverses) it looks like the 2030s or 2040s will be the time. This is only the alpha for the metaverse, not even the beta.

Once again, only time will tell...

Updated 11/25/21.
(Nikeworld corrected to Nikeland)


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