Something will be changing around here...

Well, today, after around 10 months of the same design, I almost decided to change the layout/design of this blog. But it created a HUGE mess and took me 30-45 minutes to get the blog back to its original state. However, there was still one thing that needed to be fixed, and that has just now been fixed. I also am changing something on this blog...

Episode posts will be changing!

Instead of My High School Years- 2-1-19 for an example, all episodes after 2-8-19 will be named as follows:
Instead of My High School Years- 2-22-19 for an example, it will be titled as this:
My High School Years: Hashtag 31 (2/22/19)
This will currently be limited to new episodes, but I might change the older episodes as well sometime in the future.


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