
Showing posts from December, 2020

There's still time to binge before 2021! You should watch "Death To 2020" on Netflix!

(Trailer for this movie, warning: foul language) Want to KNOW about 2020? Want to LEARN about 2020, in a comedic way? Then THIS is the movie for you! Information about the movie: Release date: December 27, 2020 Length: 1 hour 10 minutes (110, LOL) Rating: TV-MA (sorry, little ones, not for you...) (for strong language and smoking) BINGE THIS, NOW! YOU'VE GOT < 4 HOURS! #Goodbye2020 #Hello2021 BACK OFF, 2020, AND ROCK ON, 2021!!! (Hopefully we'll be ABLE to ROCK ON and GO TO A CONCERT NEXT YEAR!!!) 🎸

GOOD RIDDANCE! #Goodbye2020

Well, the day we've all been waiting for is here! December 31, 2020, aka, THE END OF 2020! And even though this is the day EVERYBODY'S been waiting for, already, even before midnight, there have been casualties of this day, like today being the LAST DAY of Flash games, and B117, (COVID-19 2.0, basically), having its first case in the US. One solution: NATIONWIDE LOCKDOWN! It is necessary, and BTW, "lockdown" is 2020's word of the year! Others that I will give nominations to: vaccine, medicine, cure, treatment, Clorox, coronavirus, racism, Lysol, bleach, binge, and Netflix. Welcome back to late 2019... (end of something big, like Flash games, comparable to the 2010s ending, and the start of COVID-19, now a new strain called B117. COVID-20?) BTW, things to look forward to in 2021: (chronologically, me and other events) January 1 - NEW YEAR! January 10 - 110 Day (110 Grill visit, COME ON!) January 20 at 12PM - TRUMP IS OUT!!! AND BIDEN IS IN!!! January 31 - I will re

Early weekend outing

Today, I went out to River Valley Market, got no cake 🤬, but I did get waffles and pizza and such, and drove mom's budget $40 outta whack, whoops... (that's what teenagers do, sorry...) Other than that, I really did nothing except blogging, YouTubing, and whatever other -ing you can think about. It's been a, well, good day, I guess? The moment you've all been waiting for, the gallery of today! Thanks, AdCouncil, maybe I should learn something new today... Half-frozen river, absolutely beautiful... Getting off the highway next to the airport, kind of like that beach that planes land over that tourists go to (maybe you should go, but people have gotten killed on that beach, so be careful if you do decide to go...) (in 2021, of course) Looks like its been abandoned for 5+ years, but in reality, only for about 8 months; formerly home to a seafood restaurant since 1985, a 2020 casualty, caused by retirement and then COVID, ending the business early... its last day was Satur

Life, gone hybrid (December 18, 2020)

Wow, it finally happened. Some things have finally gone remote for me, like seeing Julie; we had our first full remote visit because of snow/COVID since around April/May 2020, and my school is also full remote until January 11, 2021; however, we did take an in-person trip to Costco as well; but Julie and I are not going to be full remote full time, we will be seeing each other at least once remote and once in-person per week; we're planning to go to Bright Nights on Wednesday, December 23, which will be fun! Anyways, here's the gallery: Christmas is here! My first Christmas gift, a $60 Amazon gift card, has arrived! For 2020, I've been asking for gift cards, preferably Visa ones that can be used anywhere, but I have also been asking for things other than gift cards, such as books and tech devices, like headphones. First full remote visit with Julie since April or May, she showed me this better version of Kahoot! called Blooket ( ) where you can take away

#PartiallyBlocked #COVID19: Really?

Okay. I guess that turning 17 DOESN'T mean you get a completely restriction-free computer, especially when it's a school one. But what DOESN'T make sense on the web blocker is that some sites in a category that mostly have blocked websites still slip through the blocker! For example, when I tried to look up the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) on Wikipedia, the blocker activated as I guess the computer blocks anything with that keyword. Oh boy, now my blog's going to get blocked because I said a blocked keyword... When I looked it up on Wikipedia, this came up: Annoying as *KEYWORD BLOCKED* web blocker... But, if you try hard enough, you can still get past the blocker, it's kind of half broken on that website (*BLOCKED_KEYWORD*) However, some similar sites/links, like the CDC and Wikipedia information on the COVID-19 vaccine are unblocked. But the World Health Organization is blocked, and has been since at least March 2020. Really? Securly, a

Teenage cool. 🤓 Also, #Learning, learning about hashtags in Speech when I ALREADY know about them (December 17, 2020)

Showin' off my style, and it's really #cool. Speakin' of #, I learned about hashtags in Speech today, but I ALREADY KNOW THEM AS AN ACTIVE TEEN ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Come ON! Really? Doesn't make sense, but somehow fits into the 13-14 year schedule of school... Anything will fit that you don't want, and nothing will fit what you want... (Somewhat true, sometimes it will fit, but not often...) Updated 12/22/20.

Seriously? Rick Astley will NEVER give you up, NOT EVEN ON TV! (Coming January 4, 2021)

Oh boy. Looks like 2021 is going to be off to a (rick)rolling start! Frito Lay is going to rickroll the US with their healthy eating ad campaign starring Rick Astley himself beginning January 4, 2021, telling their audience to never give up healthy snacks, such as baked Lays, and healthier versions of regular Frito Lay snacks as a way to live up to your possible New Year's resolution of eating healthy in 2021. What is this, 2010?! (Flashbacks to Play60, healthy eating, MyPlate, other early 2010s healthy eating campaigns, etc.) By the way, in either 2010 or 2011, I went to a eating healthy performance at a local school in my area called Foodplay about eating healthy, that was such a long time ago, I was 6 or 7 at the time, now I'm 17; what happened to my life? Maybe you SHOULD put healthy eating on your 2021 New Year's resolutions list? Inspiration for this post:

Winter Storm Gail at its finest

Pretty, but dangerous. I wouldn't recommend going out today, so enjoy your snow Zoom day and watch the snow fall; it's very pretty! We easily got a foot of snow here, so this is the biggest storm we've gotten this year so far! Shower thought: It's technically still fall, and it's snowed a FOOT! (Winter doesn't technically start until 5:02AM on December 21, wow) But, I guess that's not a big deal, as snow usually arrives in November anyways, so... Trying to dress like a teenager; do you like it? Sorry, outdoor season is over, unless you want to sled or ski... It is so beautiful... Once again, enjoy your snow Zoom day! RIP SNOW DAYS (beginning of school - March 2020; final ones being in December 2019)


If you're reading this right now, you can probably tell that I made some MAJOR changes to the blog. I am doing this so my blog can look more modern and make it easier for people to get around my blog and such. By the way, I hope you like the new design! By the way, I tried to keep it as close to the original design as possible, so people don't get overwhelmed by the new design. Once again, I hope you enjoy it! Here is why I prefer this more modern design compared to the other one: 1) It looks better. Sure, my 2018-2020 design looked good, but from sites I've seen on the internet, it was time for an upgrade. 2) My old design was non-mobile compatible since August 21, 2018, A MAJOR MISTAKE FOR ME TO MAKE. Now, my blog is mobile-compatible! 3) Because now is the PERFECT time to do a major upgrade, just ahead of the new year. 4) It's more minimalist. Just like how everything else is. 5) By the way, my previous blog from 2018 (Richard's 2018) ALSO wasn't mobile compa

A LOT OF UNEXPECTEDS (December 16, 2020)

School in the morning, A CRAZY AFTERNOON. That was my day. I went to the LAUNDROMAT (rare, because we have a washer/dryer, but it failed and there is a big storm coming tonight, 12/16/2020, so we had to go) and I missed tutoring (nothing I could do, true story of a teen 🤬), but after, we got Burger King for dinner (a double cheeseburger, plain, no bun, small fry, even though I wanted a medium, Mom told me no because of carbs, and a large Diet Coke) (I wanted 2 double cheeseburgers, but Burger King messed up and gave me 1, even though I think they gave me a second, but with a bun, can't eat that because of my celiac disease... and I wanted a small Diet Coke, but I got a large instead, but at least I got more, not less, but Mom said I could only drink half tonight, which is understandable) Don't worry, I only drank half... 🤫 The pictures and videos tell the whole story: Check them out: Long running local business since 1985 (current location), Silverscape Designs, shutting its