New Music Chart: the Billboard Global 200

So, I didn't even realize this, but in late November/early December 2020, I discovered the Billboard Global 200 chart. What's that? It is a new music chart by Billboard that started on September 19, 2020 (BRAND NEW FOR A MUSIC CHART AT THIS POINT!) that is similar to the Hot 100, with a few major differences:

1) The chart lists and tracks 200 songs, rather than 100 songs on the Billboard Hot 100.

2) The chart is international (all countries can chart), rather than only the US charting in the Hot 100.

3) Songs on longer than 20 weeks can remain on the chart at any position, rather than only being able to stay in the Hot 100 for 21-51 weeks in the top 50. (None have reached this point yet due to the infancy of the chart)

4) Songs on longer than 52 weeks can also remain on the chart at any position, rather than the Hot 100, which only allows 52+ week songs to run if they are in the top 25. (So far, only 76 songs on the Hot 100 have made it to 52 weeks, a very rare feat, most recently Blinding Lights by The Weeknd, who hit the milestone the week of December 5, 2020 and currently is 53 weeks on the chart at number 11 as of the chart week of December 12, 2020, the longest currently running song on the Hot 100, and the longest time a song has ever spent on the Hot 100 was 87 weeks, being Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, which ran from 2012-2014, 3 DIFFERENT YEARS!) Last updated: December 12, 2020 (Of course, as of 12/12/2020, no songs have made it to 52 weeks on the Global 200, let alone 20 weeks, as the chart has only existed for 13 weeks)

Really interesting, and pretty cool.

See you soon.


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