Today, November 10, 2020, marks the 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of me starting out on Blogger on November 10, 2015! My first official online blog was at richard-great-7.blogspot.com, but I sadly took that first blog (and a second blog) down a while ago without realizing it was history that I should've kept. HOWEVER: I still have my very first blog (it wasn't open to the public) from school that was made in 2015 as a Google Doc that I still kept (and almost LOST in September 2020, thank GOD I SAVED IT from getting deleted forever by Google Docs new rule of if a Google Doc is in the trash for 30 days, it gets deleted!)

And now, after 5 YEARS, I am officially fully releasing my very first blog on Google Docs to the public and all of its writings! (If my grammar sucks, keep in mind, this was 2015, when I was in 6th grade), and I am keeping its writing 100% pure with no autocorrect or grammar fixing.

Let's do this!


RJ's Blog (September 8, 2015 - November 10, 2015), my very first blog!

Last edited: November 10, 2015

September 8, 2015

Unfortunately, the summer is coming to an end. Or is it? The thing is, it is the beginning of September and it is still 90 degrees outside. Everybody loves the summer where you can go to the park, hang out at the beach, and have sleepovers. You can also go to Walt Disney World. Otherwise, the summer is awesome!

September 9, 2015

Now it is starting to become autumn. I mean it's still 90 degrees outside and because of that, the trees are starting to change color. Literally, the sun is killing the trees. And who knows it may be 90 at The Big E. But in a few days, the rain will come and the days will be at or under 80 degrees.

September 10, 2015

Well today, it's about time for a downpour and it is said to only be 75 degrees today. Unfortunately, due to high amounts of humidity, it will be humid. I guess the summer is unfortunately over. The Big E is almost here! Just 8 more days!

September 12, 2015

Unfortunately, I don't write on the weekends.

September 14, 2015

It's very exciting that we're getting close to The Big E. Now that's only 4 more days away!
So the heat is over. No more 80s and 90s. Those days are over.

September 15, 2015

Well, it's about time for the summer to end.
Last Day of Summer: 7 days away!
The Big E begins: 3 days away!
Well, isn't that wonderful!
The Big E will be from September 18 to October 4, 2015.

September 16, 2015

Did you know that you can take a shuttle bus to the Big E?

We are having great weather now. It is now Big E season! Go by car or... BUS!
You can take the shuttle bus to the Big E. (Weekends only.) The Big E lasts 17 days and everybody really enjoys their time that they spend there. I know I will!

September 22, 2015

And here we are at the last day of summer ;(. This is a great last day of summer. The temps are in the 70s. And it's cloudy outside. Perfect day. I like the summer but I am ready for the fall weather to approach.

September 23, 2015

It is now the first day of autumn. Well the trees are still green. What's up with mother nature?
And it is going to be 75-80 degrees today. And it's sunny.

September 29, 2015

Yesterday, I went to the Big E as a field trip! It was awesome. They let me go on 1 ride. I went on the wonky worm. It was great. Come back tomorrow for more!

September 30, 2015

Now it's downpouring. The Big E is open, rain or shine. But it was excellent. The wonky worm is a small rollercoaster. It goes about 20 mph.

October 5, 2015

Unfortunately, the Big E is over. It was great though. And the wonky worm was awesome too. I can't wait to go back next year. Goodbye!

October 9, 2015

Today is a great day! I'm going to my dad's tomorrow!

October 23, 2015

I haven't been doing this in quite a while! It's almost Halloween! ;x #scares. 8 days until halloween! And I haven't bought my costume yet. I'm going to be a zombie. -(oo

October 28, 2015 

It is getting so close to halloween! I can't wait! Upcoming events!!!
October 30 at 6pm- The Halloween Party
October 31- Trick or treat!

November 4, 2015

I can't believe it! Yesterday it reached 77 degrees. What IS this?! The summer heat continues as it is going to be 70 degrees all week! This is unbelievable.

November 9, 2015 (unfinished post) 

My soccer game was unbelieveable. Here are my all day errands:

4:45 am     Wake Up

5:00 am     I get ready for soccer

5:20 am     We get on the road to Byfield.

5:30 am     Night ends, daylight starts arriving.

6:00 am

November 10, 2015

I have some news to tell you. Today is my very last entry because I have an official blog.
It is mobile-compatible and it is totally awesome! :) Come see it all here:

Goodbye, and I'm sorry I'm leaving today. The upcoming future is gonna be awesome!



So, that was it. That was my very first blog in all of its writing from fall 2015, that was made on a Google Doc. And believe me, there were MANY firsts and MANY spelling mistakes in this blog!

Here are some of the biggest ones:

September 8, 2015: My very first blog post.

September 22, 2015: My very first use of an emoticon. (precursor to emojis, pretty much overtaken by emojis at this point)

October 23, 2015: My very first use of a hashtag. (#scares)

October 28, 2015: My very first use of upcoming events in a blog post.

November 4, 2015: Very similar weather to now (November 7-11, 2020) with 70s weather in NOVEMBER; absolutely crazy AND the 70s weather sticking around for (almost) a week, FOLLOWED by a 75 degree day with rain, which is ALMOST the forecast for November 11, 2020.(72° with rain)

November 9, 2015: My very first "draft" (or unfinished) post.

November 10, 2015: The end of my first blog.


Screenshot from the actual Google Doc of the last post made November 10, 2015.

Updated 11/11/20.


  1. Congrats on 5 years of excellence!!! You have come a long way in just 5 years!!! I can’t wait for the next 5!!!


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