Grocery shopping at Big Y: New finds, new logo, and some price gouging? (November 21, 2020)

Yummy: blueberry pancakes with honey on top and scrambled eggs. I'd want this every day if I could!

Sunset at 4:40pm...

Different: Big Y FINALLY CHANGED THEIR LOGO! This new logo you see had been on most Big Y stores in the area since at least 2018, but this one in Southampton was the last to hang on to the original logo (there since at least 2011) but it has now FINALLY ditched it. Welcome! This one looks more modern and much better. I'm surprised they didn't change it when they did a MASSIVE remodel in 2019, which the current logo had seen at the time. Now that they changed it, it felt like a dream at the time of capture; I will get used to it soon...

Didn't know Dunkin' (Donuts) had cereal, coffee flavored cereal... what about the donuts?
Surely you forgot SOMETHING...


Oreos in 2020. Pretty soon, there will be gluten-free Oreos joining the regular ones! (January 2021 to be exact)

The toilet paper craze is back! Sorry...

Nothing gluten free on the 2020 Hostess dessert section, but maybe in 2021?

Once again, no gluten-free Little Debbie offerings in 2020, but maybe in 2021?

Grilled cheese for dinner; it was very good.

Good day!

Oh wait, the videos!

Now, good day!


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